Announcement for Kinugawa Onsen METs Challenge and Locomo Change
About METs
METs stands for the unit which compares how many times the body while exercising consume calories than resting.
Intensity Table
METs Values of Some Main Activities
About Locomo
Locomotorium is the mechanism to move bodies, such as bones, joints, and muscles.Locomotive syndrome (abbreviation: Locomo) is the situation that people’s legs, which is one of the locomotorium, become weak. It’s important to prevent in order not your legs to become weak.
Standing Up Test
n this test, you can grasp your muscular strength of your lower limbs. It calculates the extent of the strength whether you can stand up from a certain height with one or two feet.
Two Step Test
This test enables calculating your holistic ability for walking including muscles, balance, and flexibility of your lower limbs through measuring your step size.
How to calculate your 2 step value
2step size(cm)÷height(cm)= 2 step value
Program menu
*Walking: walk and walking exercises for maintaining health. *Nordic Walking: one type of walking exercises with use of two poles (stocks). *Hiking is to walk at hills and fields to enjoy natural environment. *Trecking is to enjoy sceneries while walking at mountains.